Cultural Lens

Words: 801
Pages: 4

We all are Different
“A people without the knowledge of their past history, origin and culture is like a tree without roots, quote by Marcus Garvey. This describes how if you do not know about your own culture, then how do you know about yourself. We use these cultural lens very often, more than most people think. A cultural lens is seeing or viewing a certain way of the culture, but being able to take this cultural lens and understand different people and cultures. To have this cultural lens you need to have life skills like empathy, listening and understanding. Everyone one needs to know that each culture has certain ways of doing things in their culture and everyone’s culture is not the same.Whatever my culture is, I want everyone to respect
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Ever since I was little, I remembered going to church, I knew the basics but nothing more than that. I never really put my religion into much thought, then I got into eighth grade and we learned about the first amendment. When I got home, I told my mother that I have the freedom to my own religion but, she said that is when I get out of the house. Not that I did not mind going to church but, I just thought it was so awesome that I could have my own religion. As I have gotten older, I am actually thinking about the religion more, and some of the things in the bible just seem like nonsense. I am at the point in my life where I do not know my religion and I am young and have plenty of time to decide. I just hate when my parents force a religion on me but, I also think that I do have it lucky. In other countries, people get told there religion and they just have to live with it, even if they do not agree with it. I hope that one day when I find out my religion that my parents support …show more content…
I was born in Oklahoma and even though I do not remember much, when I go back I am amazed how there is a walmart. For people who live in bigger cities, are use for it being ten minutes away and it is a hour and away for me. When I tell some of my friends that live other places how far walmart is, they are shocked because it takes them much shorter time. Or even the climate that is wyoming is so much different than the East coast. During the winter, it can get below 20 or even older here. In the East coast, it will get about 20 or more degrees and that to me is crazy. Also, how when we start soccer here, there is still snow on the ground while in other places, it is sunny as ever. Overall, the environment is part of how I live and my