Cultural Pluralism In The United States

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When the discussion of pluralism or pluralist are brought to the surface, one should know the different types of pluralism as well as the meaning behind each. Cultural pluralism is a concept that individual ethnic groups have a right to exist on their own terms within the larger society while retaining their unique cultural heritages (, religious pluralism simply means that all religious beliefs are equal, political pluralism indicates that all governmental systems are valid, and so on. Each type of pluralism basically states that no matter how implausible the idea that it is still valid, just because one may not necessarily agree with the thoughts that does not give it reason to …show more content…
These organizations, which include among others unions, trade and professional associations, environmentalists, civil rights activists, business and financial lobbies, and formal and informal coalitions of like-minded citizens, influence the making and administration of laws and policy. Since the participants in this process constitute only a tiny fraction of the populace, the public acts mainly as bystanders ( The United States as a whole is a country that is made up of not only several different cultures, but we all also have different political beliefs, spiritual beliefs and a host of other components that may put some of us with a certain group of people. As Americans, we have the freedom to believe in what we want and be whoever we want to be without being faced with extreme punishment, unlike other countries where the consequences are drastic. Pluralism is heavily accepted in this country, you can see examples in everyday life as shown …show more content…
In a debate between Lincoln-Douglas the discussion of slavery and pluralism are thrown about between the two “the Lincoln-Douglas debates over slavery and pluralist democracy—Ericson shows that republicanism, rather than being opposed to liberalism, is in fact an offshoot of it. His descriptions of republicanism and pluralism represent the poles of an evolving tradition of liberal ideas in America: the former championing the claims of the public sphere, general welfare, and civic virtue; the latter protecting the rights of the individual to liberty, property, and privacy (” Even after the slaves were freed officially in 1865 and not in 1863 as it is heavily stated in several textbooks and articles, there were still obstacles faced for them as they had to now deal with segregation and fighting to have the same rights as every other American. The fight for equal rights became known as the Civil Rights Movement and it has been said the movement in many ways helped change politics, to add on to that theory you would have to make the connection with the laws changed for African Americans and now noticing that we have an African-American President. Without those struggles, we would not have the chance to see someone of color hold the title of the most powerful man in the world.