Rights and Wrongs – Users are always right while we need to constantly improve ourselves.
According to Haier's employees, customers are their main assets and are always right and therefore, they try their best to meet customers’ requirements, and they also create various varieties for users. They need to constantly improve themselves because only in this way can they constantly rebuff, challenge and transcend themselves to achieve the new innovated products they make.
The essence of doing pioneering work is entrepreneurship
Haier inspires each employee to have his own entrepreneurial skills to develop so that each employees is managed into individual management and becomes the CEO of their own. They establishes an individual goal with and making a contract with users from being managed to independent management. This helps the management to get good results from the employees and help in making innovative products.
Development Concept – Entrepreneurship and innovation spirits
Haier encourages each employee to have entrepreneurship and change from being managed into independent management and becomes the CEO of their own.
Interests Concept – Win-win Mode of Individual-Goal Combination
Haier takes and accepts the interests of all stakeholders including stockholders, employees, users, their financial supports and so on. So to create a world brand they became the leader of white good industry and they have switched from manufacturing industry to