Haddon uses symbolism in the novel to convey the difficulty of diversity in society. Christopher’s daily life depend upon what type of cars Christopher sights, “4 cars in a row made it a Good Day, and 3 red cars in a row made it a quite good day, and 5 red cars in a row made it a supper good day, and 4 yellow cars made it a black, which is a day when I don’t speak to anyone and sit on my own reading books and don’t eat my lunch”. Christopher believes that “one way of things being in a nice order was logical, however this comprehensively symbolises the logic of Christopher, however this superstition is irrational, allowing cars to judge what sort of day it will be, and making you refrain from talking and eating, which is completely unhealthy Also the idea of sighting “5 red cars in a row” to make it a super good day, is solely based on chances, for example Christopher may have not sighted the “5 cars” as he might not be present at that current moment they pass, however might sight “4 yellow cars”, and abstain from essentials such as food required to sustain life. Moreover the fact that Christopher believed that this is rational, meaningful, and had a purpose, personally allowed me to understand Christopher’s logic, and sense, thus Haddon’s use of symbolism has effectively