This place was like hell to me. It had taken my hand and my dam pup that I had for so long. My time was over here, anyways I was just extra baggage for Curley’s old man. They might as well shoot me like they done my dog. What I do ain’t nothing the others can’t do. It is time for me to go, these boys are my only hope and that son of a bitch Curley may have just ruined it. I need to get this farm with the boys so I can feel useful. My money cant go to waste I have no need for it. They probably gonna fire me the first chance they get. I was really excited to tend to the garden all by myself. Curley such a damn spoiled child he wouldn't be that way in the first place. Hopefully Slim can work his magic and give these boys a chance to make it to the end of the month. Once that letter comes back I am taking my money and will never think about this place