Yes, CVS is facing significant problems in the company’s fulfilment process of the prescription. This fulfilment process has the following steps:
1. Drop Off
2. Data Entry
3. Production and Quality Assurance
4. Pickup
Each and every step has its own significance and can also cause significant problems during the process. Based on the analysis of pickup window technicians who dealt with the customers, the PSI team estimated that 16% of the customers fell into a category that they are not getting what they are expecting. And also the team found out that 27% of the scripts encountered some or the other problem during the fulfilment process.
Approximately, 7.2 million regular …show more content…
How should it change the process?
Customer retention should be given the highest priority. This can be done through improvement in the services and operations. To achieve this CVS must put an upgraded computerized service system; with a more comprehensive database would provide the strong foundations for a smooth business operation. The system should be able to monitor and record logistics, inventory movements, insurance checks, customer profiles etc.
The solution is to solve the human traffic flow and improving operations is to open additional registers and hire more tech analysts. As pickup is the bottleneck of the entire operation process, the system and database should be computerized and upgraded and also, a tech or pharmacist to be stationed at pickup.
IT …show more content…
Some of these errors can be because of manual replenishment functions, returning drugs to the wrong location in the machines, human overrides, and circumvention of the machines’ safety features. This will potentially endanger the patients.
What implications of the changed process do you anticipate?
From the above mentioned IT changes, it can be seen that all stakeholders, mainly the patients, CVS staff and CVS management, will possibly face problems with the solutions. Most of these problems will be likely to arise because of system failures. However there is no guarantee that these sophisticated IT systems will function well 100% of the time. The most important thing is for CVS staff and management to be always prepared for such rare but possible scenarios, and react well to it.
Conservative Estimations
Based on the most conservative numbers given in the case study, if CVS is able to prevent 60% of the customer defections that were due to service and these customers filled an average of 5 scripts a year, the amount of extra revenue gained a year would be about $972 million (60% X 7,200,000 customers X 5 scripts X