Cyanide Research Paper

Words: 444
Pages: 2

A cellular poison is considered as a cyanide and metabolic poison that inhibits cellular respiration, electron transport chain and Krebs cycle. What is cyanide poison? Cyanide poison is a dangerous poisonous chemical that can prevent the body form absorbing oxygen. Without oxygen, it damages the organs and become life-threatning. Cyanide poison are mostly found in factories, in the soil or used to harm people. People who either inhale, touch or swallow cyanide poison will feel confusion, dizzy, have a shortness of breath, chest pain or seizures. Therefore, if someone come in contact with cyanide poison, they should seek medical attention immediately. Cyanide poison can be treated by the give the person cyanide antidotes. Cyanide antidotes is used to bind with the poison that can be remove through …show more content…
Therefore, it is best to stay away from cyanide poison. In cellular respiration, the cyanide poison blocks the formation of producing ATP. The Free resource states," there are number of poisons have been found to specifically disrupt the process of producing ATP such as cyanide, rotenone, antimycin and melanote." These poisons are known as electron transport blockers that blocks the electron transport in the cellular respiration. This poison also affect the creatine phosphate system. The creatine are taken as a dietary supplement that helps boost your energy level. "While there has been some concern that such synthetically produced creatine is a poison itself, which may result in digestive, muscular and cardiovascular problems, most studies have shown that provided the substance is pure and taken as indicated, it is generally safe"( The Free Resource). Even though there has been many studies proving that creatine is safe but the industrial production thinks that this substance is harming the body and affecting the creatine phosphate system. How does cyanide poison affect the cell respiration and electron transport chain? When oxygen is not