Define Data Protection Act 1998
It is a law that protects personal privacy and upholds individuals’ rights.
It applies to anyone who handles or has access to information about individuals. The Act also gives rights to the people the information is about. By law, everyone in the workplace must follow the rules set out in the Act and help protect individuals’ rights.
It is important to maintain confidentiality on a childcare setting in order to respect individuals in your care and their families.
Records that I will need to keep are
Parents’ contact details and emergency contact; like their names, address contact phone number, fees, and hours of care.
GP’s contact …show more content…
The data must be:
1. Processed fairly and legally.
2. Processed for limited purposes and in an appropriate way.
3. Relevant and sufficient for the purpose.
4. Accurate.
5. Kept for as long as is necessary and no longer
6. Processed in line with the individuals’ rights
7. Secure
8. Only transferred to other countries that have suitable data protection controls.
It is important to follow these procedures to control the way information is handled and to give legal rights to people who have information stored about them. Childminders need to comply with all of the above but can avoid registering with the Information Commissioner as a "data controller" for data protection purposes: * if one keeps all your childminding records on paper. * If you keep information about the names, ages and addresses of children and their parents, details of payments, or any data for administration on a computer, purely for accounts and records purposes, you are also exempt from notification. * But if you keep more extensive records, or information of a more sensitive nature, for example about children's health, behaviour or development, on a computer then you need to contact the ICO to find out if you need to notify. * Also, if you are going to be taking digital photographs of the children in your care, you will be expected to