DSM-V: Difficulty Among Individuals With Autism Spectrum Disor

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Pages: 11

DSM-V defines intellectual disability (intellectual developmental disorder) as a disorder with onset during the developmental period that includes both intellectual and adaptive functioning deficits in conceptual, social, and practical domains. In order to say that a person has intellectual disability, there should be deficits in intellectual functions such as reasoning and abstract thinking which is confirmed by clinical assessment and standardized testing. There are also problems in adaptive functioning that result in failure to meet the developmental and socio-cultural standards for personal independence and social responsibility. The onset of these difficulties are evident during the developmental period. DSM-V also has information regarding …show more content…
Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder need more time to absorb information and prepare a response. According to Hanbury (2012), this aspect of their learning is not related to the child’s cognitive ability, so we cannot make assumptions that the more able the child, the quicker the process. They also do not instinctively orientate to the important information related to a task hence guidance should be provided.
Flexible thinking. Difficulty in flexible thinking affects the child’s development of communication and social understanding which creates a lot of challenges for his learning. Flexible thinking allows the student to look at things differently to find new approaches in solving problems (Morin, 2014). cite: 6 ways kids use flexible thinking to learn
Based on related literature, the common difficulty among Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder and Individuals with Intellectual Disability is attention. They have deficits in attention and focus and tend to be have fixations. Their problems in transfer and flexible thinking is also somewhat similar. These individuals have difficulty in applying prior knowledge to a similar situation as well as formulating solution to various problem-solving situations.
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