The Hispanic male client came in for his intake assessment with the results, admitting him for both programs, BIP and SAP. The client wasn't pleased with the outcome since he was let out early for proper conduct behavior. Now he had to pay for these programs and felt the system was working against him for making him pay for these treatments. His view of the world is the external locus of responsibility, blaming the system for letting him out early to pay for both treatments without taking into account why his reasons for being incarcerated. Including the external locus of control of the consequences of his choice to leave prison early was not under his control. The client did have an option to stay in jail to finish out his term. The client's worldview is cynical, sees that he was unjustly treated and life events were out of control. Additionally, the Cuban mother even though she loves her daughter, has an external locus of responsibility and external locus of control just as the Cuban male. She too would have preferred remaining inside than to deal with all the minutia of payment, time, classes, along with individual counseling and traveling than resolve the parole