Daoism History Alive Analysis

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Pages: 4

Everyone knows that some countries have fallen apart because they didn’t have a good strategy for ruling. Well in ancient China they had problems with war, feudalism, and unrest, and their country fell into disrepair. So they came up with the three Chinese Philosophies: Confucianism, Daoism, and legalism. If I had to make the perfect teacher using these philosophies I would make them 70% Confucianism, 10% Daoism, and 20% Legalism.

First of all, what is Confucianism? Confucianism is the first of the three Chinese philosophies. In the book History Alive By Bert Bower he explains Confucianism, and in the book he says, “The goal of Confucianism was to achieve a just and peaceful society.”(Lsn.21 Part.2). Another way confucianism is described is, “All people must respect and obey
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Daoism is the second Chinese philosophy. In the book History Alive By Bert Bower he explains Daoism, and in the book he says, “Like Confucianism, it attempted to provide answers to the difficulties that prevented right living and good government.”(Lsn.21 Part.3). Another way Daoism is described is, “Daoism taught that people gain happiness and peace by living in harmony, or agreement, with the way of nature.”(Lsn.21 Part.3).These are some ways that Daoism is like. The way this would look in a classroom would be very unorganised because kids would be lying all over things, and they wouldn’t get much work done. On the other hand, this might make some kids get their work done faster because they like working alone in their own place. Now that you know what Daoism is I would like to tell you why the perfect teacher would be 10% Daoists. The reason behind this idea was that we should have a teacher that lets us find our own ways, but not to the point where all the kids are laying around the classroom not learning. Now that you heard my reasoning why the perfect teacher would be 10% Daoists, I will tell you what Legalism is, and why the teacher should only be 20%