Daphnia Alertness Essay

Words: 553
Pages: 3

The findings show that an increase in the temperature of water has a profound impact on the level of alertness exhibited by Daphnia living within that environment. More specifically, there is a positive linear relationship between temperature and their alertness (Figure 1). In other words, an increase in the former leads to a heightened level of the latter. The findings confirm the hypothesis of the study. It stated that Daphnia ambigua would do best when acclimated at 22° Celsius. At 5°Celsius, it became sluggish (Table 1) while at 28°Celsius four of them died even though their level of alertness was high. These results show that the optimum operating environment for Daphnia ambigua is 22°Celsius. At this temperature, these organisms had moderate speed and none of them died. The correlation analysis also supported the hypothesis of the study. The correlation coefficient i.e. R2=0.9853 shows that there exists a strong linear relationship between temperature and the alertness of Daphnia (Figure 2). An R2 close to zero would have indicated otherwise. …show more content…
For example, Goss (2016) stated that at high temperatures, Daphnia suffers from a breakdown of its enzymes eventually causing it metabolic process to die and as such, it dies. This conclusion by Goss (2016) would explain why four Daphnia died during this experiment when exposed to high temperatures whereas none of them died when exposed to low and moderate temperatures. Another study highlighted in the literature review found that ectothermic animals are sluggish at night, but active during the daytime. Scientists attribute this phenomenon to low temperatures at night. This study also showed that Daphnia are less active when exposed to low temperature than they are when exposed to high