As volunteering, she enjoys high school students, she gets joy from helping people. Teachers are very busy and overworked so she would like to help them. She helped Ms. Naughton with grading paper and helping students with class work if the students doesn't understand it. She answer questions if they have any. Mrs. Gaskill tries to help people, if she can't help someone, she is trying to find something to help them with. She tries to find help if she can't help them. She learned that kids are struggling then she realized then she realized connection if you mixed food and conversation with homework is more relaxed and less serious. She learned that she has a lot to learn. She learned that she likes helping out in science class. It's more rewarding than she could have imagined. She learned she needed to help. Darla Gaskill has shown herself to be heroic because she helps kids with their homework. She likes to help kids with their stuff that they need help with. Darla Gaskill helps Ms. Naughton and in other classes. She answers the kids questions if they have