Student Number: s128210
Supporting Teaching And Learning In schools NCFE Level 3 Assignment 1
Question 1a
Know the structure of education from early years to post-compulsory education.
Summarise entitlement and provision for early years education.
It is the entitlement of all 3 & 4 year olds in England to receive up to 15 hours a week part time Early Years Education, for 38 weeks of the year. The government funds it and the local authorities use these funds to ensure every child is entitled to 2 years free education.
Early years is about supporting young children and is distinct from key stage 1 in the fact that it is based on learning through play instead of a more formal education. Play has been shown to be an important part of children’s early learning and by letting them work independently and choosing certain activities themselves within and outside the classroom encourages them to develop their autonomy. The early years education is for nurseries child minding, playgroups, pre-schools and schools and all work towards the Development Matters. It runs from the age of 3 till 5 so till the end of reception before they start key stage 1 in year 1.
Question 1b
Explain the characteristics of the different types of schools in relation to educational stage(s) and school governance.
There are four types of mainstream schools.
Community Schools are owned and run by the local education authority who will also help the school by developing links with the local community and provide support services. The admission policy is usually determined by the local authority and they may also choose to develop the use of the schools facilities by local groups for adult education or childcare classes.
Foundation schools are run by their own governing body and have more freedom in the running of the school than in a community school. They determine the admission policy along with the local education authority. The school, land & buildings are owned by the governing body or a charitable foundation. A Trust school is a form of Foundation school but will form a charitable trust with an outside partner such as a business. The school will have to buy in any support services, the decision to become a Trust school will be made by the governing body in consultation with the parents.
There are two types of Voluntary Schools, the first is a Voluntary Aided (VA) school which are mainly religious or faith schools although anyone can apply for a place. They are run by their own governing body as a foundation school is, except the land and buildings are usually owned by a religious organisation or charity. VA schools are a kind of “maintained school” meaning they receive a lot of funding for running costs from the central government via the local authority who also provide support services, the rest is made up from the governing body and charity.
The second type of Voluntary school is a Voluntary Controlled (VC) School. It doesn’t have as much autonomy as a VA school. They are run and funded by the local education authority who also employ the staff and provide support services. The land and buildings are often owned by a charity, which is normally a religious organisation.
Specific exemptions from Section 85 of the Equality Act 2010 enables VA and VC faith schools to use faith criteria in prioritising pupils for admission to the schools.
The last type of mainstream schools are Specialist Schools, they are usually secondary schools which can apply for a specialist status in one or two of the following subject specialisms: Arts, Business & Enterprise, Engineering, Humanities, Languages, Mathematics & Computing, Music, Science, Sports, Technology. They receive extra government funding for doing this. Special schools can also apply for specialist school status to be given for a SEN specialism under one of the four areas of the SEN code of Practice.
There are two other types of schools that are not funded directly by the local education