Daylight Saving Time Argumentative Analysis

Words: 289
Pages: 2

Daylight saving time means that the clock is moved forward so that both sunrise and sunset occur one hour later, increasing the nighttime dusk. Daylight Saving Time is the natural time of the Earth, but Summertime is man-made, or an idea that aid to save energy as much as possible by using daylight hours and sunlight. As Scott C. Yates has noted, “The U.S. government started moving into and out of ‘Daylight Saving Time’ during World War I to copy the Germans, who said they were doing it to save fuel. When the war ended, the U.S. government wisely repealed the law since it proved unpopular” (2014). In "Spring Forward: the Annual Madness of Daylight Saving Time,” Michael Downing writes that the president Franklin was the first who introduce the