In christianity he is seen as the Messiah/Son of God “in one Christ Jesus, the Son of God” (Christianity, Document #3). Contrary to Christian belief Jews do not believe Jesus was the messiah and believe the Messiah has not come yet “Jesus was nothing more than a human being” (Judaism, Document #1). Jesus was seen differently between Christians and jews and the division still remains to this day. The Trinity is another subject that brings division between the three religions. Christians believe that God is represented by Jesus, the Holy spirit, and the father ”the faith: in one God, the father almighty, who made the heaven and the earth and the seas and all the things that are in them;and in one Christ Jesus, the Son of God who was made flesh for our salvation; and in the Holy Spirit” (Christianity, Document #3). Muslims and Jews however, believe that this makes it seem that there is more than one God and therefore do not worship the Trinity. Among these three religions only one worships the