He died at the age of seventeen in nineteen-forty seven after battling fifteen months with the brain tumor. It all started when he got back from a trip. Gunther decided to take him to a specialist to see if everything was okay, and unfortunately, they received the worse of the situation. They scheduled a operation shortly after to remove the tumor. Weeks after the operation, he was continuously fainting and getting sick to his stomach. He was put into a nursing home and he seemed to become stronger, but that's what they thought. In February, they noticed that yet again, a bump was growing. Months later, doctors discovered that he had a cerebral hemorrhaging. Johnny soon dies peacefully in his sleep.
Johnny's last words wrote, “scientists will save us all.” How people looked at the death of johnny was that he was not dying, but indeed, he was being born again everyday. This story was wrote to reach out to all families. No one asks for such a horrible thing to happen, but you have to take in reality with what life gives you. Both Frances and Gunther what all to know that this is real, and you may never get over it, but you will find hope