not feel as much pain, than if nothing happened at all. Overall, the death penalty will bring closure to many families. The death penalty not only brings closure to families but it also decreases crime in societies which could potentially save lives. Some murderers are sent to jail for life but for those who aren’t they are released back into society. Michal Summers states, “…[O]ur recent research shows that each execution carried out is correlated with about 74 fewer murders the following year…” The death penalty will help prevent murderers from being released back into society. With less murderers being released into society, crime would decrease. David Muhihausem states, “…the recent studies using panel data techniques have confirmed what we learned decades ago: Capital punishment does, in fact, save lives” With fewer criminals in society, civilians would be safer. If the death penalty is used more, it would prevent more crimes. Ernest Van Den Haag states, “…nothing will deter a criminal more than the fear of death” If criminals feared the death penalty it could prevent them from committing crimes. Overall, the death penalty could reduce crime and save lives. The death penalty can help save tax payers money and put it to a better use. When criminals are sentenced to life it costs a lot to keep them in prison. For example the Legislative Analyst’s Office states, “It costs an average of about $47,000 per year to incarcerate an inmate in prison in California” (Simbol). If the death penalty was used, a big part of the money saved could be used towards crime prevention and could also be used to hire more law enforcement to prevent further crimes. With more and more people coming into prisons, it costs a lot to take care of them. For example the Legislative Analyst’s Office states, “Over two-thirds of these costs are for security and inmate health care” (Simbol). It isn’t fair that people who commit crimes get to
go to prison and have free health care when other citizens have to work for it. A lot of the money also goes toward inmate activities. The Legislative Analyst’s Office states, “…the average annual cost has