The major problem with the word “Redskins” is that it is just as wrong as calling an African American a “Negro”. Both words are just wrong except African Americans got their say and the word in now seen as wrong and racist. Somehow we have ignored the Native Americans request to stop using the word “Redskins” to identify them and we use the word as if it were okay to identify them as that, when in fact it is not okay. People seem to think it is okay to tell Native Americans what words should offend them and which ones should not. Native Americans do not have a voice in the words that they find offensive. It isn’t okay to call any other race a name they are not okay with yet Native Americans are not allowed to voice their opinion on what they can or cannot be called. Maybe some time in the future Native Americans voices will be heard and we will stop calling them “Redskins” just as we heard the voices of African Americans and we stopped calling them “Negroes”. Both words are just as equal and