They were lied to and told that being a maid they would get taught education. But instead they worked many hours for no money, could not get health care due to their passports being taken when they were flown to the Middle East, were raped and beaten and did not understand the language. These runaway slaves are an example of “modern day slavery” but also a violation of human rights. Different things like this are happening all over the United States without many of us knowing. This human trafficking can occur anywhere from the malls, bus station, schools, work, anywhere. So if this happens all over everyday, then why isn’t more being done about it or why isn’t it talked about more? Through a process know a grooming where the guy knows fears/desires of the girls homelife and knows everything about the girl, then the guy will sound like the girls boyfriend and make the girl feel well, then the guy will proceed to ask you to sleep with a guy because