Decomposition: A Primer For Promoucuous Housewives Analysis

Words: 660
Pages: 3

During this past week, I attended the literary festival here at WCU. On Wednesday evening guest speaker Jamie Quatro was present to give a interesting speech on her famous writings and her inspirations as a writer. Quatro is has achieved her graduates degree and is best known for her debut collection, I Want To Show You More ,of which later became a top ten book of 2013. Also, she has new collection coming soon called Fire Sermon. Jamie read one of her stories in, I Want To Show You More, titled “Decompostion: A Primer for Promiscuous Housewives”. As she began reading her story, I became confused, I first believed that the woman in the story was being haunted with the thoughts of a man she once had an affair with. As the story progressed, I realized that the man that captured her every thought and memory was a dead man that the speaker had an affair with. …show more content…
The story depicts the woman’s mind even further when she meets with her pastor and explains her concern that she should have married the other man. “Decomposition: A Primer for Promiscuous Housewives” drew my attention from the very beginning because of Jamie Quatro’s unique style of writing and use of second person point of view. Overall, what really captivated me was how Jamie used the dead man’s body as a metaphor for her secretive affair and grieve. Ultimately the man that lied in her bed died whenever the woman confesses her affair to her husband. After reading her story, Jamie stated that situations in her own personal life of losing someone and feelings of being unable to speak of that person influenced her writing. Jamie Quatro’s new coming novels are Two Step Devil, and another story collection that are written from all point of