If we’re not used to feeling loved, why would we treat others with love, right? It’s not fair that we have to treat others with kindness when we receive none. When you love and/or feel loved, you may feel joy in what you do and appreciate your life more, and since you love someone you want them to be happy so you treat them with respect, the way they should be treated. Love can spark your kindness. It only takes one person to make the change in someone’s life. Sometimes, we don’t know how much a person may need a hug or someone to be there for them, and support them. Just an act of kindness can change an individual’s day and mood. Like Ephesians 4:2 says, “Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love.” With a world full of love, there will be peace, and that is a vital thing we are starting to lack. The love for people and humanity will thus bring you respect and protect it, treat people well, wage less wars, and bring tranquility to people and warm their