I made sure I continued participating in south Asian culture by playing several concerts, dancing and also acting in skits at Indian cultural events. I was proud of all the things I did and showed pride in any activity I was a part of. It is also important to remember to be humble while also having pride because showing off too much pride gives off the vibe of cockiness and this leads to people viewing in you in a negative manner. Also, having too much pride clouds one’s view of reality and leads to losing sight of what is really important to them. By being prideful and humble, one can achieve any goal he or she sets in life and they will be successful in whatever they do. Sometimes, one may be wrong or make mistakes and it is important to accept mistakes and accept wrong doings and this adds to character because learning from mistakes and fixing them contributes greatly to one’s pride. In life, there are many obstacles and hardships but learning how to overcome them by being confident and determined is what matters the most. I believe that pride is earned when one accomplishes a goal that is set and is successful in any other things they want to accomplish. By being prideful, you realize your potential and realize how much you