**Micro sociology**- analysis of social life that focuses on social interaction. Usually used by symbolic interactionists
**Social structure**- the framework of society that surrounds us. Consists of the ways that people and groups are related to one another, this frame work gives direction to and sets limits to our behavior
**Social location**- the group memberships that people have because of their location in history and society
**How income, education, & occupational prestige impact social class**- how higher education and income impact how you are ranked in social class and how job contributes
**Achieved status**- positions that are earned, accomplished, or involve at least some effort or activity on the individuals part
**Ascribed status**- a position an individual either inherits at birth or receives involuntarily later in life
**Norms**- expectations of right behavior
**Social institutions and how meet basic needs**- the organized, usual, or standard ways by which society meets its basic needs. Are so significant that if they were different, our orientations to life itself would be different. Meet basic needs by allowing us to work together in society. People need to understand many aspects
**Why division of labor occurs as societies grow**- more tasks that need to be done so division of labor begins which creates inequality among people
**Social integration**- the degree to which members of a group or a society are united by shared values and other social bonds ( also known as social cohesion- Emile Durkheim interested)
**Stereotyping**- assumptions of what people are like whether true or false
**Personal space**- how close you are to another person without it being awkward
**Public space**- how people can con exist in same space in a room and space can be increased or decreased
**Dramaturgy analysis**-an approach, pioneered by Erving Goffman, in which social life is analyzed in terms of drama or the stage, also called dramaturgical analysis
**Primary groups**- smaller, face to face, family, friends
**Secondary groups**- larger, more anonymous, members interact based on statuses, fail to satisfy for intimate association
**Reference groups**- groups that we gauge as normal, desirable or whose opinions matter to us, used for evaluating ourselves, expose us to contradictory standards
**Dyads**- the smallest possible group, consisting of 2 people: most unstable because require both members to participate if one member loses interest group collapses
**Triads**- group of 3 people
**Diffusion of responsibility**- the idea that its the responsibility of everyone no one will do it or if someone else will do it I don't have to do it
**Expressive leadership**- leader that increases harmony and minimizes conflict in group .. Known as sociomotional leader
**Instrumental leadership**- an individual who tries to keep the group moving towards its goals, knows as task oriented leader
**Authoritarian leadership**- leads by giving orders
**Democratic leadership**- leads by trying to reach consensus
**Laisse faire leadership**- leads by being highly permissive (non specific goal)
**Asch's work on conformity**- lines experiment to find why people follow others and not make own decision regardless of if its right or wrong. Once one breaks conformity others will follow
**Milgram's work on authority**- study on authority when people got given electric shock. Trying to study holo cost and why people or authority will do things. People will do things when told by those of authority. People are more likely to do it when are able to blame someone of authority
**Group think**- a narrowing of thought by a group o people leading to the perception that there is only one way correct answer and that to even suggest