Kids are mean and now with all of the stigmas you have out in society today it is making kids crazy. If you come to school and you are not up to date on the latest trends and what is cool you are profiled by all the other students. In school you have many different groups like cool kids, jocks, nerds, band geeks, theatre group and all sorts of other groups and if you don’t fit into that group they just completely ignore everyone outside of the groups. I know that these types of groups have always been in high schoo,l but the attitudes have changed and the actions. Now they are bullying other people who are not part of there group and a life ends up having to be taken, something that people would never think would happen. Schools now are trying to educate students and staff on bullying and what to be able to do if you see bullying or the one being bullied. Some of the activies now to show students about this issue is internet research to look up the different types of bullying, how to prevent it, and show kids how to be able to respond. Presentations are now given in school such as role