Dexter Raquel
February 26, 2012
Sandra Norris
Demonstrative Communication
Today, there are many different methods we use to communicate with each other. Communication is defined as the method in which one receives and sends a message. Communication can be verbal or non-verbal as well as written or oral communication. In this paper I will focus on demonstrative communication. According to Peng, H. (2011) demonstrative communication can be defined as “non-verbal communication involves all those non-verbal stimuli in a communication setting that are generated by both the source and his/her use of the environment and that have potential message value for the source or receiver.” (as cited in Samovar, Porter and Stefani, 1998). Demonstrative communication uses facial expressions, tone of voice, body language, eye contact etc. Demonstrative communication can be especially useful when it is used in conjunction with verbal messages. Demonstrative communication can be positive and effective when used properly, but it can have a negative and ineffective impact to the receiver or sender when used improperly. According to Peng, H. (2011) there are five functions of demonstrative communication, they are, complimenting, substituting, accenting, contradicting, repeating and regulating. For example, when presenting information to an audience using positive body language and good eye contact with your audience it will allow them to be more interested in what you as the sender has to say, it compliments the verbal portion of the communication process. By complimenting your verbal message it helps elaborate the message as well as adds insight and provides more information to the receiver. Demonstrative communication can also substitute for verbal communication, this occurs when there are barriers to verbal communication and the only form of communicating properly is through non-verbal messages. Another use for demonstrative communication is called accenting. Peng, H. (2011) states, “the primary function of accenting is to emphasize a particular point in a verbal messages. It is much like underlining or italicizing written words to emphasize them.” (para. 12). For example, when presenting to a an audience, before or after an important part of your presentation you would pause for a second or two in order to give the audience cues on the importance of that passage. However, the effects of demonstrative communication are not always positive. Demonstrative communication can have a negative effect if used incorrectly. One method that we sometimes find ourselves doing is called contradicting. When using verbal messages to our audience sometimes our non-verbal acts contradict what we are trying to say. For example, when trying to present or press your views on someone while conducting negative body language or not providing eye contact to your receiver this contradicts your verbal message. It tells your receiver that you don’t fully believe your views or that you have doubts in your own opinion. Another negative aspect of demonstrative communication is called repeating; though this method can be classified as negative it also has its positive effect on the audience. It is considered negative because sometimes repeating your verbal message through the use of non-verbal messages can become repetitive to the