Dennis Cooke Case Study Essay

Words: 975
Pages: 4

Areas Affected Dennis Cooke takes an in-depth look at the processes used to manage eutrophication in areas of standing big bodies of water. It looks at techniques that have been successful, as well as techniques that have failed. It has a chapter that concentrates on Lake Michigan and provides some scientific evidence on the problems that Lake Michigan is facing. Stresses the management of lakes, including Lake Michigan. I will only be focusing on the section that does a deep dive into the Great Lakes. It has recently been revised and talks about the pollution that affects the Lakes. Cooke does a good job going in-depth and doing many case studies to support his claims. Stress Index of The Great Lakes Basin (Walker, 2016)
Many urban areas on this map show the highest level of stress to the Great Lakes. This map breaks down the different areas surrounding the Great Lakes Basin and shows how many of these Lakes are in severe danger. Some areas highlighted are Chicago, Illinois, Gary, Indiana, Detroit, Michigan, and Cleveland, Ohio. We also see that Lake Michigan, the largest source of fresh water, is one of the higher stressed Lakes.
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This would include, prioritization of projects and grants associated with projects, engagement of the impacted low-income and communities of color and partnering with organizations that serve these communities. This will require that processes be put in place to provide preferential prioritization of initiatives that will impact these communities. It will require that we make it clear in our various communication media and in our actions, that we are serious about confronting issues in the environmental justice