Deontological Theories Of Illegal Immigration

Words: 428
Pages: 2

In this paper, I will discuss the issue of illegal immigration. I will explain the differences between legal and illegal immigration, the effects illegal immigrants can have on a society, both positive and negative, and whether securing the borders is morally permissible. I will focus on utilitarian and deontological theories to explain my reasoning. In this paper I will address two cases in which immigrants are attempting to enter the United States illegally. One case is that of a poor Mexican family with two children seeking to start a better life in the United States. The other is that of two young men who have been to the United States repeatedly smuggling drugs in and out of the country. I will attempt to tie in the perspective of those entering United States, the United States government, and its citizens based on the previously mentioned ethical theories. One theory that will apply to both instances is a form of utilitarianism, consequentialism, that is based on the …show more content…
Although, inevitably, there are some in our society that do not prescribe to this theory, this theory overlaps with others. Another example of deontological ethical theory is: suppose you own an insurance company. One could make the argument that it is an insurance company’s duty to protect its customers, whether it be from an accident caused by the customer (i.e. car crash) or an uncontrollable act that negatively affected their property (i.e. tree fell on house). Both the customers and the company mutually agreed on terms in which both would help each other; the customer would help the company by paying a monthly bill, the company would help the customer should anything happen to their property. Both of these examples are in line with deontological theory, that is, they agreed upon their own duties and acted in accordance with