The party who hasn’t breached has a right to USA wasn’t allowed by the court to mitigate down any resultant loss because of several reasons. First, the non-breacher has a right to sue. USA received proper notice of the problem. According to Court of Appeal of Minnesota (2010), DeRosier counsel repeated the complaints and demanded that USA remove the extra fill under threat of lawsuit. Instead of fixing the problem for free, USA offered to remove the fill for a price. If DeRosier would have accepted this offer, it would have entered them into another agreement without USA fixing the original problem. You can’t have a new contract to mitigate the old one. Since, USA breached their contract DeRosier is allowed under the UCC to rescind the contract and sue for damages. Secondly, under expectation interest it USA should compensate DeRosier and put him in a position that he would be in if they would have followed