Describe Some Advantages And Disadvantages Of A Computer

Submitted By rooney786
Words: 2313
Pages: 10

Chapter 3 : Entertain Me Section 3.1 Setting up a multimedia system page 59 – 66


LO Achieved

. Learning Outcomes

(IMOW) In my own words I can.....

. Assessment Activity related to Learning Outcomes

How I have presented my Learning.....
O. Task not done
1 Poorly done
2. Mostly done
3. Fully done
Grade E/F/G

1. I can name THREE things that you should consider when buying a Laptop

Use the Electronic book to complete ETask 3.1

2. I can name THREE different devices that can be used to watch films, listen to music and play games
Use a Mind map to complete Task p63

Grade C/D

3. I can describe some advantages and disadvantages of Media player makes a TV a High Definition TV

Task 3.2 Research the features of 3 different Media players and 3 different models of Smart TVs
Present your work using PowerPoint - Include images of all six devices, compare the specification/features of each digital device including , the cost, an embedded video and a link to the website.

4. I can explain THREE things you should do before disposing of an old Laptop
Task 3.3 What would you do before disposing of an old laptop? Create a recording of your voice with background music using Audacity and present it as an MP3

Grade B/A/A*

5. I can explain what the following mean
a) Brain Computer Interface b) MMO
c) Cocoon and Virtual Cocoon
d) Google glasses

Task 3.4 Use the Internet to research items a- d. Create a Prezi about items a-d Include images and descriptions, a video and a website link
a) Brain Computer Interface
b) MMO
c) Cocoon and Virtual Cocoon
d) Google glasses
In your Prezi include a link to the video about 3D simulators

6. I can describe THREE things you can do in a Database
7. I can name a Database application I have used in school
Skills builder 3.2 p66 Use a database called Laptops 3.1 accdb to sort, create queries, add new records and create reports

Chapter 3 : Entertain Me Section 3.2 Which Games Console page 67 - 68


LO Achieved

. Learning Outcomes

(IMOW) In my own words I can.....

. Assessment Activity related to Learning Outcomes

How I have presented my Learning.....
O. Task not done
1 Poorly done
2. Mostly done
3. Fully done
Grade E/F/G

1. I can name FIVE different Game Consoles

Starter – Imagine out of a class of 30 students that 5 girls and 7 boys own Xbox console and 6 girls and 8 boys own a PS3 console and that 4 pupils do not own a console. Input this information in a spreadsheet and produce a graph to show all data

Grade C/D

3. I can name the key features of at least TWO different Games Console
Task 3.4 p67 Which games console
Carry out research on Game consoles using worksheet 3.2

Task 3.5 p67 Which games console
Carry out research how to play online with friends who do not have the same type of games consoles as you

Grade B/A/A*

4. I can compare the advantages and disadvantages of using Games Consoles and Laptops Task 3.6 p68 Which games console
A. Carry out research between Game Console and a Laptop.
B. Use PowerPoint to give your reader some information about the advantages and disadvantages of using Games consoles and laptops
C. To finish off your presentation create a quiz of 6 questions.
D. The user must be able to use navigation action buttons to move around the