This work was mainly oriented around cellular communication. Cyclic AMP is a second messenger that’s formed in response to molecular or hormonal signals. This stimulates bodily functions for quick response, such as rapid acquiring of sugar, or increasing blood flow to the heart and muscle (1,3). Fisher’s research focused more on immunology. Phosphorylation and reverse phosphorylation work together in a chain reaction, leaving an increased amount of lymphocytes to interact with antigens in the body. They play a role in fighting off infections within the body, as well as necessary invaders. Fisher’s work contributed to the problem many individual’s face when receiving organ or blood transplants. By inactivating protein kinase, and stopping the phosphorylation reaction, the lymphocytes that normally would attack the transplanted cells can’t develop or grow extensively within the body (1). Today, new protein kinases are constantly being discovered and found. Fisher and Krebs contributions laid out a framework for the medicinal properties and functions of these enzymes. Their research brought about a greater understanding of protein signaling and how to manipulate and disrupt imbalances in the body through the activation of different