Description Of Swipe Security Badge

Submitted By Marc-Lazerow
Words: 1094
Pages: 5

Name: Swipe Security Badge
ID #:1
Importance level: High
Primary Actor: Legislator
Short Description: This use case handles the legislator swiping their security badge after payment of a meal in the canteen.
Trigger: Legislator decides to purchase food from the Senate canteen
Type: External / Temporal
Major Inputs

Major Outputs

Legislator ID
DGS Police Security
Swipe Authentication
Proximity Reader



Badge Authorization

Major Steps Performed
Information for Steps
1) Legislator pays for food from the canteen
2) Legislator swipes security badge
DGS Police Security Badge
3) Proximity reader reads badge ID
Legislator ID

4) Proximity reader authenticates badge ID
Proximity Reader and produces visual notification

Use-Cases - Second Iteration
(to-be system)
Name: Transmit Transaction Data
ID #: 2
Importance level: High
Primary Actor: Finance and Administrator Services
Short Description: This use case handles the transmission of transactional data from the canteen to Finance and Administrative Services.
Trigger: Proximity reader authenticates legislator security ID
Type: External / Temporal
Major Inputs

Major Outputs

Legislator ID
DGS Police Security
Transaction Data Packet


Transaction Amount
Canteen Register

Timestamp Data
Network Sever OS

Major Steps Performed
Information for Steps
1) Proximity Reader creates a transaction packet
Legislator ID and initiates network connect
Transaction Amount
2) Network adds timestamp from the server and
Time and Date transmits the packet to F&A
Transaction Data Packet
Name: Automatically Update Meal Expense Form
ID #: 3
Importance level: High
Primary Actor: Finance and Administrator Services
Short Description: This use case handles the automatic update of legislator’s meal expense forms.
Trigger: Electronic transaction data arrives at Finance and Administrative Services over the network
Type: External / Temporal
Major Inputs

Major Outputs

Transaction Data Packet
Meal Expense Form
Legislator’s F&A file
Meal Expense Form
Legislator’s F&A file

Legislator Information
Legislator’s HR file

Major Steps Performed
Information for Steps
1) If no expense form exists, create one; otherwise
Legislator’s F&A file load existing file
Legislator’s HR file
2) Add transaction data to meal expense form
Transaction Data Packet

Legislator’s F&A file
3) Electronically store meal transacation data
Transaction Data Packet

Legislator’s F&A file

Name: Manually Update Meal Expense Form
ID #: 4
Importance level: Medium
Primary Actor: Finance and Administrator Services
Short Description: This use case handles the manual adjustments to a legislator’s meal expense forms.
Trigger: Finance and Administrative Services receives written transaction data from the canteen
Type: External / Temporal
Major Inputs

Major Outputs

Transaction Data Form
Canteen paperwork
Meal Expense Form
Legislator’s F&A file
Meal Expense Form
Legislator’s F&A file

Legislator Information
Legislator’s HR file

Major Steps Performed
Information for Steps
1) If no expense form exists, create one; otherwise
Legislator’s F&A file load existing file
Legislator’s HR file
2) Add transaction data to meal expense form
Canteen paperwork
3) Electronically store meal transacation data
Canteen paperwork Legislator’s F&A file

Name: Adjusting for Exceptions
ID #: 5
Importance level: High
Primary Actor: Finance and Administrator Services
Short Description: This use case handles the manual adjustments to a legislator’s meal expense forms from exceptions
Trigger: Finance and Administrative Services approves exceptions to the guidelines from leadership
Type: External / Temporal
Major Inputs

Major Outputs