Design And Culture Under Scrutiny: Object Analysis

Words: 1503
Pages: 7

HD450 – Design and Culture under Scrutiny

How is this artefact the product of a particular historical and cultural environment?

‘Have nothing in your house that you do not know to be useful or wish to be beautiful’
In this essay I am going to explain my choice into the object selection I made and why I wish to examine it. Furthermore in this essay I am then going to look at the product along with the products life story, where it came from, why do people use this particular product and the story attached to my object analysis of which I find so interesting to study and learn from.

I am a Fashion Communication student so naturally I find anything in a shop window, which is too expensive
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The bag itself is a very art deco style with two trapunto style curving arches displayed on the front and back of this bag. With the overall shape showing a half cut hexagon. As the logo suggests this bag has no other function than to look amazing, it was not produced with the function that people hiking up a mountain, or carrying heavy shopping would want to use this it’s one simple function is style and sophistication. I wouldn’t say this bag is to be used each day as the price of one of these bags can reach an enormous £3,500 for the rare crocodile skin or black python style.
My Celine Paris bag was a present from a very close friend of mine on every girls special day their 18th birthday, first seen in London’s most well-known store, Harrods. I remember seeing this bag from a number on celebrities online and on television who owned a Celine Paris, and I remember thinking how much I had to get my hands on one, but not any one, the all black soft leather hand
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From way back in the ancient history times the beading of bags was to signify the money and wealth the person who to which the bag belonged. Handbags have historically been both the carriers of secrets and the signifiers of power, status, and beauty. “What began as a prosaic item for everyday use can now be a luxurious treasure that confers instant status” And this is still true to this day, looking into someone’s bag is like looking into their soul seeing all the things they were trying to hide from the world and carrying them close to their body as they hold the key too daily life, handbags have been strongly influenced by technological and society changes, just as much as we have. Such as the development of money, transportation, cosmetics, smoking, cell phones, technology and the strong role of women in society today. The role of the bag is forever changing in the world we live today, every job will require a different bag to hold something new and portray a different meaning. Handbags are and always will be made in an amazing array of styles and materials, such as waterproof canvas, space age synthetics, and faux reptile skins. Designers continue to want to mess around with what could be acceptable and unacceptable, play with the paradoxes in which the handbag would hide away what you were holding close to you with transparent materials that both