Desmond Doss Thesis

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Pages: 2

Desmond Doss saved 75 U.S. soldiers while being shot at atop what the army called, “Hacksaw Ridge” without ever carrying a gun (11/4/16 Elizabeth Blair The Real 'Hacksaw Ridge' Soldier Saved 75 Souls Without Ever Carrying A Gun NPR 2/18). Desmond Thomas Doss was born in Lynchburg, Virginia. He was a scrawny little boy who believed you should never kill. He was awarded the medal of honor for his great sacrifice during WWII on the island of Okinawa, Japan ( THE REAL DESMOND DOSS STORY 2/18).
Desmond’s early life wasn’t the best. His whole life he was rejected and bullied. His father was an alcoholic, and his mother was deep into christianity. Desmond was a high school dropout so that he could become a carpenter to help support his