Development Of A Child To Change Essay

Submitted By Ben-Knox
Words: 3736
Pages: 15

Understand the expected pattern of development for young people from birth to 19 years
Each and every child will grow and develop in their own way. When a child is growing up many skills they will learn may overlap with another type or skill, a good example of this is when a child learns to play football. Football is considered a physical skill but a child can’t play football without having to learn to communicate with the other children.
The areas for development:
Fine motor skills- writing, threading, painting and drawing
Gross motor skills- running, jumping, hopping, skipping and balance
General co-ordination
Hand-eye co-ordination

Social, behavioural and moral: taking turns co-operating with others developing their social skills
development of self-esteem and self- expression learning about how others feel and understanding other kids emotions
Intellectual/ cognitive: developing creative and imaginative skills using skills in different ways using language to explain reasoning problem solving decision making
using language to explain reasoning expressing feelings describing events

Physical development
Physical development is an important to a child’s overall development, it can be assumed that physical development will happen automatically as they mature and grow up. Even though children develop many skills naturally as they grow up, it is imperative that they have the opportunity to develop them in a variety of ways, for which they will need support for.
0-3 years:
During this age gap children develop fast. When babies are first born they have very little control over their bodies, their movement are dependent on a series of reflexes (sucking and grasping things) which they need in order to survive. Over the first year of a baby’s life they learn to have more control over their body. Making them much more mobile such as crawling or rolling. In their second year the quick development continues as they usually begin learning to walk. Children through the age of 2 will also begin using their hands in a productive way using it to point, holding small objects and using them to feed and dress themselves. Other skills they begin to pick up are playing with a ball and start climbing over chairs and furniture. Then in the third year of the child’s life they will gain more control over pencils and crayons, they will also begin to enjoy turning pages of books along with growing an understanding of what the books about. They will also begin to eat and drink themselves without intervention from the parent or adult. Depending on the child also they will be able to run and use toys such as tricycle which require a bit of co-ordination.
3-7 years
As children begin to develop more through this age they begin to grow more confident using co-ordinated movement which will help the child’s general confidence. Fine motor skills will also begin to grow at this age such as cutting, writing and drawing. Physical activities will also be gained in confidence such as running hopping and playing with larger equipment.
7-12 years
At this age a child’s skills will continue to develop and refine as they grow older. A child at this age can be confident it having the skills to do hobbies, such as dance or sports clubs. Also movements can be controlled finer helping them gain skills such as playing an instrument or sewing.
12-16 years
This stage means a child will grow stronger, girls would start to show signs of puberty during ages 10-12, in boys they start to show signs during this stage. During this age girls would have hit full puberty and start having regular periods. So depending on when a child has hit puberty their height and strength can vary quite a bit. At the end of this stage boys will now start growing taller than girls.
16-19 years
This stage young people grown into adults, even though many girls will have reached physical maturity boys will still grow and change up until their