Diabetic Neuropathy Research Paper

Words: 513
Pages: 3

Nerve Pain: What is Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy?

Hello everyone, today I’m here to answer a very common question among patients having diabetes mellitus for a long duration. The question I am about to answer is; what is causing the pain and numbness of my legs? And what is diabetic neuropathy?
When a diabetic patient is constantly having an uncontrolled high amount of free sugar in his or her blood, he develop develops gradual increase of pain, tingling and numbness on both his legs, and rarely his arms and back. This condition is described as diabetic neuropathy. If I explain the condition in simple terms, it means that the nerves which carry the messages to and fro from the legs aren’t getting proper nutrition from the body. They will first begin to degrade, and the patient will feel a numbing sensation later, with the progression of the disease, these nerves will die. The destruction can appear in various ways.
The most common ways that nerve end damage (diabetic neuropathy) can appear is, as pain and tingling sensations as spoken above. Some of you may have realized that when the sugar in your blood is well controlled with your diet and medication, the pain is absent. But with slight changes in meal habits, the pain might arise. This is because the diabetes becomes uncontrolled. The damage done to the nerves doesn’t necessarily have to
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Since the nerves that tell the respective body part (in this case it’s the legs) are now dead, the body part dies with it as well. If it is still kept, the infections can cause other problems in the healthy parts of the body. So many doctors will amputate the dead toe or leg. But you don’t have to let that happen to you. I don’t know what stage of diabetes you are in, but if you haven’t had any amputations in the past, I think there is a good chance that I can help you to stay away from such