Diagnosis Of Alzheimer's Disease

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Pages: 4

Diagnosis of Alzheimer’s Disease can now be with up to ninety percent accuracy, but can only be confirmed by an autopsy when pathologists look for the disease's characteristic plaques and tangles in brain tissue. “Clinicians can diagnose "probable" Alzheimer's disease by taking a complete medical history and conducting lab tests, a physical exam, brain scans and neuro-psychological tests that gauge memory, attention, language skills and problem-solving abilities” (alzfdn.org). A proper diagnosis is critical because there are several other causes of memory problems. Some of those other memory problems can be treated, such as those caused by vitamin deficiencies or thyroid problems. Other memory problems might result from causes that are not …show more content…
It is an irreversible disease that takes away a person’s memory, and the ability to anything on their own. Thankfully there are some medications that can help slow down Alzheimer’s destruction, however, the disease is incurable and leaves lasting damage. Hopefully in the future, scientists will be able to find a way to stop Alzheimer’s in its tracks and save millions of people. While Alzheimer’s research has come a long way since its discovery in 1906, there is still a lot scientists need to discover about the disease like what exactly causes the brain cells to die and how it can be prevented. Alzheimer’s greatly changes the life of the patient as well as their loved ones. It is difficult for someone to lose their memory, and recognition of their family and friends, but it is also difficult for those people to watch their loved one forget who they are. Although it is not a normal part of aging it mainly affects older people, and although it is not a normal part of dying, it is the number six cause of death in the United States. Alzheimer’s is a well-known disease, but most people do not fully understand the depth of it until a loved one is diagnosed. The disease takes away more than just a person’s memory, it takes away their ability to perform the simplest daily actions such as dressing one’s self or brushing one’s teeth, and in more serious cases a person can forget how to walk or talk. It is important for someone showing early signs of Alzheimer’s to seek help immediately to get some help to and try to slow the diseases progression. While it might not be curable, there are medications and treatments that can help slow the process down. Scientists are doing research everyday trying to understand this disease more and trying their best to find a way from stopping this horrible disease in its