In Snowman’s current state, he’s continuously trying to retain as much as he remembers to avoid forgetting everything he once knew. “Fragments of words are swirling down it, in a grey liquid he realizes is his dissolving brain.” His brain is dissolving as everything else in the world that was once of humans. It seems as if Snowman is the only human left in the world, but as it appears that his brain is dissolving, he may not be the only one for long. Or at least, he may lose his most vital human asset, his brain.
Speaking of human assets, in the book Crake says, “As a species we’re pathetic in that way:” after complaining about the misalignment of human hormones and pheromones after he’s already expressed his despair in what he believes are defects in humanity. At this point in the story, I realized how upset Crake really was with humanity and that his ultimate objective was to create his own kind of human, his ideal human that would possess the traits he wished humans did. I began to think that this was the reason for the world ending; too much playing God resulted in there being no world at all. As the story progressed, I found it interesting that the altering of animals began to be disturbing to Jimmy; as Crake becomes more fascinated with it like Jimmy’s father, Jimmy begins to find it strange and becomes baffled by it as his mother. Jimmy’s …show more content…
She’s worry-free, learned to leave the past in the past, and has become adaptive to life’s circumstances. She accepts the wonders of life and the unknown, unlike Crake, who’s pessimistic and cynical throughout the story. He believes there’s more to life while Oryx accepts life as it is. I believe Jimmy represents someone who struggles with finding a balance between the two while Oryx and Crake are representations of the two states we as humans always linger in; some of us are perpetually cynical while others are always content with