Sunglasses can be reused, remanufactured and recycled (10). If you get tired of your Oakley sunglasses, you can rest assured that many of your friends will be interested in them (10). Even the ones with scratches and a bit worn out are in demand (10). Most of the sunglasses can be remanufactured by turning them into halloween costume or another work of art (10). Recycling is also a vital option due to the property of plastics being able to melt reshaped an indefinite number of times (How).
All in all, the life cycle of sunglasses is much more complex than one could think. From the extraction of petroleum and growing cotton to a very refined form of plastic, sunglasses have to go through many processes and facilities. Although Oakley takes pride if the fact that its products are made in the USA, I am not fully convinced it is true. The purpose of any business is to make money and materials such as cotton are cheaper in India and China. Manufacturing is also less expensive overseas. Nevertheless, all of the resources I used in my paper seem to be very credible and unbiased because they were written independently of the manufacturers. I used mostly semi-scientific articles and papers which provide quite accurate and reliable