Diefenbaker Case Summary

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Pages: 4

In order to protect the Liberal minority government, Prime Minister Pearson requested that the RCMP send him all security files regarding Members of Parliament dating back to 1954 when Diefenbaker was Prime Minister. In the files, Pearson discovered Munsinger’s past involving alleged espionage and her relationship with Sevigny. According Brian Palmer, Pearson’s file request was an attempt to seek revenge on Diefenbaker’s government and to protect the Liberal government’s integrity. Pearson’s “fishing expedition” into past files further illustrates Pearson’s desperation to protect Liberals at the expense of Munsinger and Sevigny’s reputation. It also suggests that the affair may never have been publicized had the scandal not been re-discovered had tensions not been so high between Liberal and Conservative Parties. …show more content…
On March 4th 1966, Diefenbaker aggressively criticized Cardin which resulted in Cardin calling out Diefenbaker by stating that Diefenbaker was “the last person” to give advice on security affairs. Cardin then stated he was willing to talk to the media about “Monsiegnor.” It appears that the alleged scandal was revealed as a reaction to the accumulating pressure Diefenbaker placed on Cardin during that debate and in the previous months. According to Pierre Sevigny, it was a cover-up and he happened to be framed. Therefore, the Munsinger affair was made a scandal because Liberals needed to relieve their own pressure from scandal by finding a weakness in the