Diet Analysis Paper

Words: 1849
Pages: 8

I have spent three days logging everything that I have eaten in order to perform an analysis of my diet. I am going to use the knowledge that I have gained in this nutrition class to properly break down the different aspects of my diet. My ultimate goal is to find the things that I am doing wrong, and correct them before they become major problems in my life. I want to be a healthy individual, and I can use the things that I have learned in this class in order to change my lifestyle in order to support my health. To start off, I want to discuss my calorie intake. As far as the daily-recommended amount of calories, I am only consuming about three quarters of the amount of calories that are recommended for me. This is because I am trying to …show more content…
There is no modification to my diet that would be necessary. However, if an individual was receiving too much saturated fat from their diet they could be at risk for heart disease or high cholesterol. However, there has been much controversy as to how much of an effect saturated fat really has the body. It may be irrelevant, but it may be directly related to certain health issues. On the other hand, saturated fat is necessary for absorbing some nutrients because they can only be dissolved in saturated fat. For that reason, saturated fat is necessary in the diet, but it may be wise to only consume what is needed for the body. I would rather be safe than sorry when it comes to heart disease. Monounsaturated fat is really important in the diet because they can reduce the risk of heart disease, and lower bad cholesterol levels in the body. Monounsaturated fats also provide health for the cells in the body. Oils that are rich in unsaturated fats provide the antioxidant Vitamin E that is very good for preventing all kinds of …show more content…
There is risk for chronic disease and many other health risks. I can decrease the amount of sodium in my diet by eating less fast food, and empty calorie foods. I am not getting enough potassium in my diet, and I can increase my potassium intake by eating more fruits and vegetables. Potassium is important for heart health and plays a role in many body processes. I could use a little bit more calcium in my diet, and I can achieve this by adding more milk to my diet. Calcium is essential for bone health as I age, and joint development and strength. It can also help prevent osteoporosis. I am only getting half of the magnesium that I need from my diet, and I can get more by eating more yogurt, fruit, and vegetables. Magnesium is good for muscle health. I am getting plenty of Iron and Zinc in my diet. Iron and Zinc are good for oxygen delivery, and the destruction of free radicals in the