This article is written by Larsen and Hill and is published by American Sociological Association in 1954. The study mainly deals with a central question, “How does the new get around” and makes observations about the news diffusion of a national politician death. The author chooses two different social groups as subjects: university faculty community and laboring class, inter-racial community. It has collected 147 interviews in the second group after the first report of Taft’s death poll conducted in university faculty community. It conducts reports or interview concerns the information access approaches such as radio, television, news papers and interpersonal methods. It also has sub-groups like male and females, whites and non-whites. …show more content…
In addition, males tend to get the news later than woman. Inside the laboring-class community, there is little difference between the whites and non-whites for accessing to the news. It indicates that knowing the news through interpersonal relations could further stimulate communication and discussion in both groups compared with learning news through mass media.
This article selects two specific communities to make comparisons and make different kinds of media such as newspapers, radio and interpersonal channel. In addition, it makes comparison between men and women, whites and non-whites. This could inspire us to make a careful selection of our research subjects in order to get more comprehensive