Digital Diet Rhetorical Analysis

Words: 507
Pages: 3

In the article, “Digital Diet”, the author explains that although technology is helpful, it should be limited by limiting the amount on your phone, spending more time outside, and stop using technology by turning it off two hours before bedtime. The author addresses a counter-argument in paragraph 6. This counter-argument is about the use of technology and whether we should limit it or not. It is like this throughout the selection. People may spend too much time on their phones, and it isn’t healthy. For example, using your phone a bunch of times per hour can distract you from whatever you’re doing. In paragraph 5, it says, “People who depend on technology shift their attention from one social media platform to another more than 27 times per …show more content…
In paragraph 6, the author says,” For example, a student may want to use a computer for homework.” This gives the reader an example of how we can also use technology. Children that use technology for homework can make a good habit of the use of homework only. If they really need it, they should create a screen time limit until they have to get off. However, it isn’t always bad when you choose to use a bunch. In paragraph 5, the author states that people can use technology to interact with others, like playing video games and communicating with texting and Facetime. In conclusion, technology can be useful in as many ways as possible, as long as it’s not a bad habit. The author had a good point about the argument. If there wasn’t technology like phones, people would maybe look around them and enjoy nature and their environment. It could go to good use for a while when you put your phone down because everyone needs to have a good time with people and experience life. People can have a connection when they put their phones down, by helping them