You will have received an application pack with a guide to completing this application form. Please read the guide carefully.
Application form Section 1
This section will be copied to members of the recruitment panel to allow them to consider your skills and experience against the defined criteria you have been supplied with in the recruitment pack for the role.
Job details Job title | | Job reference | | Job location | |
Employment details Name and address of current employer
(or most recent employer) | | Job title | | Date employment commenced | | Current salary | | Notice period | | Reason for leaving or wishing to leave | | Please give a brief description of your duties and responsibilities | |
Previous employment
List all previous work – including paid work, unpaid placements and voluntary work starting with the most recent. Name and address of employer | Job title and brief description of your duties and responsibilities | Date from | Date to | Reasons for leaving | | | | | |
Education and training
Tell us about your education, training and relevant qualifications below. Please note that you may be asked to provide certificates to verify the information detailed in this section.
n General, further and vocational education School/college/university | Qualifications | | |
n Postgraduate and professional qualifications Awarding body | Qualifications | | |
n Training courses Awarding body | Qualifications | | |
Supporting statement * This is the most important part of your application. Please tell us what makes you suitable for this job. Your application will be judged against the person specification, which lists the essential requirements and competencies for the post. * Please ensure you indicate whether you have all the necessary attributes outlined in the job specification and fulfil any other requirements, such as possessing a driving licence or the ability to work unsociable hours. * Please address each point of the person specification giving details of your skills, experience and knowledge in these areas. * Please be specific. The shortlisting panel needs to know how and why you consider yourself suitable for the job. * Give details of duties carried out in your current and previous jobs and mention any relevant experience gained outside paid employment (for example, you may have done voluntary work in the community or have experience of organising social activities or carrying out domestic duties). * Please use additional sheets as necessary. |
References * Please give the details of two people who have agreed to act as a referee for you. Relatives must not be used. * One referee should be your current or most recent employer. * If you are employed by more than one employer, we will require a reference from each employer. * Any offer of employment will be dependent on whether or not we receive satisfactory references. * We will contact your referees only if we offer you the job and not before. n Referee 1 Referee’s name | | Position and organisation | | Address (including postcode) | | Telephone | | Email address | | In what capacity do you know this referee? | | n Referee 2 Referee’s name | | Position and organisation | | Address (including postcode) | | Telephone | | Email address | | If you are related to anyone in Nacro, please give their name(s) and your relationship to them. | | In what capacity do you know this referee? | | If your application is successful, some of your details will be passed to our pension administrators. If you do not wish this to happen, please state ‘No’. | | Do you have a valid permit to work in the UK? | Yes | No |
Signed | Date |
Declaration * I declare that the information