avoid taking out any form of student loan. Student loans carry much more negative aspects than they do positive. Also, strive to find the college that best fits your needs and has the specific major that you are trying to pursue. Additionally, finding a job that is and always will be in high demand is an intelligent idea. Throughout Everfi, I have learned to not take out student loans, avoid debt, and pursue a career that best fits you and your abilities.…
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many advantages to going to college. People who say that obtaining a college degree is worth it argue that college graduates have a better jobs, get paid more, lead better lives and have healthier children . But with the advantages, comes the disadvantages. The people who say that college is not worth it argue that the debt from attending college is unreasonable, and going to college puts a student's life on hold. They also argue that many people who did not attend college are still successful, and…
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in Order to Get a Good Grade? Today, a new student enrolls in college for the first time. When new students enroll, they are being told that in order to get the full amount of financial aid they are required to take at least twelve classes. Full-time status would amount to four classes at their school. As the semester starts and the assignments start coming in, the student begins to feel overwhelmed with all the required writing assignments. The student is now feeling overwhelmed and anxiety is high…
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Instructor Goss F1201 105 15 December 2012 Establish Credit/Rebuilding Credit The world seems to run on credit nowadays. Many of us have school, car and even home loans. And we likely all have one or more credit cards in our wallet. The problem is we don’t give credit the amount of thought we should. For the average blue collar worker, most of us aren’t bringing in the kind of income which allows us to pay for everything in cash. Therefore at some point in our…
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Opportunity costs is also something that economists takes in consideration. Basically, what opportunity cost is what a person sacrifices when they choose one option over the another. Opportunity cost is the cost we pay in order to get something. Should I go to work today? Should I go to college? These are decisions that we make. However, what is the cost of our decisions. In economics we call this the opportunity cost. What is the opportunity cost of going to college? Senior year in high school…
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funds over the length of the loan. It includes any fees or additional costs associated with the bill. With the credit card percent it is times per month 12 months’ times by whatever your percent is for that credit card business company. It seems that now days everyone has accessibility to a credit card. However the question is do they know the pros or cons to having a credit card. Not many people understand the real concept of a credit card, especially young college students. There are several reasons…
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finally end the stress that we have to go trough paying for tuition fees and meeting deadlines. Some believe though, that if you have to pay to go to university, the students would value the education more. In this situation, student’s motivation for achieving good performance is expected to be higher (“Advantages and Disadvantages of Free Higher Education”). In addition skeptics say if the government fully finances education, the government has to limit the number of universities provided as well…
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anything purchased for personal needs that is not a home mortgage- can be an auto loan or credit card debt. Open credit/revolving credit: a line of credit you can pay back and whatever pace you choose as long as you pay minimum balance each month- and then pay interest on unpaid balance. Annual percentage rate (APR): true simple interest rate paid over the life of the loan. Truth lending act makes all consumer loan agreements disclose APR in bold print. Variable Rate APR: the rate you pay is tied…
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be giving you the history of several social websites such as Facebook, You Tube, Yahoo, Twitter, etc. Another subject that I would touch basis on is: What others think about these particular websites’ privacy policies, and its advantages and disadvantages. What is Social Networking? Social Networking is a grouping of different people which belongs to a specific group. Social networking can be possible in the work place, colleges and high schools, but the most common popularity is online. The…
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In high schools throughout the United States, students are encouraged to follow college-prep tracks as the traditional route to career success. Vocational education, on the other hand, is often treated as an option for those deemed at an academic disadvantage, a second-best choice. With rising college tuitions and difficulty finding employment after attaining a college degree, vocational training might be the best chance at a solid career. While the benefits of college are known, going to college…
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