Discuss The Three Dimensions Of Immigration Policymaking

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Pages: 2

According to FitzGerald and Cook- Martin states policies are shaped by politics nowadays, so both of them distinguished three dimensions of immigration policymaking between national and international. First dimensional is vertical dimension which means domestic policy making in each country or internal group to make an immigration law and arrange class interests, racist ideology and voice to below. The main point of this dimension is “interests” and what the different interest groups in order to complete their preferences; for example, the government leaders have their own interests, yet there are not from societal pressure (FitzGerald and Cook- Martin, 12). Another example is tension interests of labor and expansive the policies will make labor at low cost even though it has supported by restrictive policies. …show more content…
In addition, this dimension focuses on security interests form of policy; for instance, in the first half of twentieth century, there have an important broader region and global trends such as “decolonization” as same as the national security issues of WWII and Cold War in twentieth century. The point of horizontal dimension is to aim migration policies as an international dimension since the cross- border dynamics refer to policy diffusion or international borders including cultural emulation and strategic adjustment (FitzGerald and Cook- Martin, 20). Third is temporal which means historical with “long view”, including accumulation of past decisions narrow option (Waldinger, topic6). In the same way, we can say that the history shape political; for example, Cuban employers try to find workers from Sweden and Norway by prevising in 1960 immigration law (FitzGerald and Cook- Martin,