Disorganized Organizational Monkeys In William Shakespeare's Macbeth

Words: 928
Pages: 4

What happens in a normal day for most people? Well one might: wake up, have some breakfast, go to work, come home, watch some television, then go to bed. Maybe fit tin lunch and dinner somewhere in there, but how do we know when to start and stop what we are doing? Human society can be described very basically as an advanced group of disorganized organizational monkeys. We can be described in this way because we need a reference point to function as a species. When do we leave for work? When do we go to bed? It is all dependant on time, but we do not know what time is or why it only moves forward. Time moving forward is what makes up the disorganized portion of the description, for even if we plan ahead rarely does everything always go to plan. Such as stories like Macbeth, he knew his future and had every opportunity to change it, but was to greedy and selfish to realize what he was doing would cause his troubles. Oedipus is another excellent example, of someone who knew their future, yet …show more content…
In an attempt to insure his reign as king and protect his legacy he did the following. He killed the current king to hasten the process of becoming king, and killed what he thought would be his only competition, his best friend Banquo. He had hoped that by doing this he and his offspring would become the undisputed rulers, and his family wouldn’t have to worry about anything, ever. Whatever he may have tried, it did not succeed in the end, for he was killed just like the prophecy said he would be killed. Then Banquo’s son was named the new king. Macbeth was told a prophecy and followed only the parts he wanted to follow, it played out like this because you can not change a prophecy. You can only make an entirely new one. Just like the man in the next story Oedipus tried to