Disparate American Values Essay

Words: 2839
Pages: 12

American's gained their independence because of a decision by its' colonial citizens to pursue freedom through the legitimate use of armed force. Disparate American colonies fought on a unified front for a set of defining values and principles centered on their customs, traditions, and desired institutions. Americans ultimately prevailed because of a deep shared sense of patriotism and nationalism. American's declared their independence from Britain's control based on the defining principles of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. These values and principles have endured and transcended since 1776 through multiple wars which have challenged American values, principles, and institutions. Most notably, the framers who codified those institutions which were captured in the United States Constitution were largely influenced …show more content…
My overarching world view is that I believe in the basic tenets of democracy and of course, I ardently swore that I would support and defend the Constitution, against all enemies, foreign and domestic. Serving as the foundation for how our society is governed, I believe the Constitution appropriately functions as our defining law. Our founding fathers got it right. However, our political system is complex because human interaction within the system is unpredictable and characterized by emotion and passion and thus, lends itself to a non-rational human dimension. Hence, I embrace the premise of Clausewitz's trinity and the three dominate tendencies of violence (people), chance (army) and subordination (policy). I accept the framework that national decisions are derived from the American political system of checks and balances between the executive, legislative, and judicial branches of