DISS HANDBOOK 2014 15 Essay

Submitted By BINGAI200
Words: 7950
Pages: 32

Glasgow School for Business and Society



Dissertation Tutors: Siobhan J White Sarah Laycock Shahid Nawaz
Table of Contents
1. Introduction
1.1 Learning Outcomes 4
1.2 Module Structure 5
2. Research Methods
2.1 Learning Outcomes 5
2.2 Learning & Teaching Methods 6
2.3 Scheme of Work 7
2.4 Assessment 8
3. Supervision
3.1 Role of Supervisor & Student 9
3.2 Performance Monitoring 10
3.3 Issues with Supervision 10
3.4 Late Submission & Failure to Submit Dissertation 11
4. Timing 11
5. Dissertation
5.1 Preliminaries 12
5.2 Main 13
5.3 Appendices 13
5.4 Presentation 13
5.5 Plagiarism 14
6. Sequence of Events
6.1 The Choice of Subject Area & Initial Aim 15
6.2 Allocation of Dissertation Supervisor 15
6.3 Introduction: Identification of Aim, Objectives & Research Plan 16
6.4 Literature Review 16
6.5 Methodology & Data 18
6.6 Analysis & Results 18
6.7 Conclusions & Recommendations 19
6.8 Preparation of the Dissertation 19
7. Essential Reading 20
8. Module Evaluation 21
9. Ethics 22
10. Bibliography 22
List of Appendices

A Research Proposal Marking Scheme 23
B Record of Meeting Form 24
C Dissertation Progress Report Form 25
D Module Evaluation Form 26
E Front Cover Layout 28
F Plagiarism and Word Count Statement 29
G Dissertation Assessment Rating Form 30
H Dissertation Assessment Report Form 32

University’s Assessment Regulations on Plagiarism
Please refer to; http://www.gcu.ac.uk/gaq/regulationsandpolicies/ 1. Introduction
The dissertation module is a double-weighted module undertaken over Trimesters A and B in Level 4. We hope that you enjoy the module and obtain the knowledge and skills to complete your dissertation. If you have any questions relating to the module or suggestions for improvement to any aspect of this module they are extremely welcome and can be forwarded via e-mail, at the addresses below or in person to:
Shahid Nawaz Siobhan White Sarah Laycock
Lecturer, B010 Senior Lecturer, B015 Lecturer, B014
Tel. 0141 331 3145 Tel. 0141 331 3365 Tel. 0141 331 8639
m.s.nawaz@gcu.ac.uk s.k.white@gcu.ac.uk s.laycock@gcu.ac.uk

The module aims to provide you with a valuable opportunity to work at, or close to, the cutting edge of knowledge in your chosen and specialised area relevant to your programme. It provides you with the opportunity to conduct independent research and the development of in-depth knowledge in your chosen area. It aims to enhance your intellectual ability and enable you to demonstrate a more rigorous standard of critical analysis, reflective learning and writing skills. Viewed overall, the module requires the application of academic knowledge and research skills to meet a clearly stated objective.

1.1 Learning Outcomes:
On successful completion of this module you will be able to demonstrate your ability to:
Research independently a substantial topic by reference to existing scholarship and analysis of primary sources;
Develop a set of aims relevant to the execution of the dissertation;
Demonstrate a critical understanding of established theories, principles and concepts relevant to the topic;
Choose and develop an appropriate research methodology and/or research approach to meet the specified aims;
Demonstrate skills in identifying information needs and in the systematic gathering, analysis and interpretation of ideas, concepts and data;
Synthesize theoretical and empirical elements in the work and derive valid conclusions;
Demonstrate a critical understanding of the limits of knowledge, some may contribute original insights to the chosen topic;
Identify new