the switching leaves the individual vulnerable situations (suicidal, violence, mutilative)Individuals during a switch are placed in a vulnerable state to themselves and others resulting in harmful acts, seeing that they are unable to recall any incidents of what they have done or what they are about to do.people who are experiencing mild forms of dissociation believe that they are suffering DIDPeople who claim to be suffering DID are simply miss leaded by their mild form of dissociation such as daydreaming, and during their “switch” they are in no harm to themselves or others DID is known to be the result of childhood trauma and/or neglect, producing the lack of connections between an individuals thoughts, memories, actions, feelings or sense of identity, ignorer to block out painful moments from the past.With no known factor relating to an individuals history such as past childhood trauma, DID is caused by a factor of daily stressful events resulting to serious conditions."believed that DID develops on its own